Euripedes (Rip), our Whippet

Euripedes (Rip), our Whippet
This is not Deborah. It is Euripedes (Rip), Deborah's whippet. He's soft and sharp at the same time.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

My first blog, that I know of: moving day.

I've started writing this blog lots of times. I think I actually have a blog somewhere out there, not sure.

So, Day 1. Oh jeez, that's a lot of pressure already. Now I have to remember to number the other posts.
Here's what I expect of myself: I will post stuff that should bring amusement and comfort to you out there. That's because I give.
And here's what I expect of you: nothing. Well, would it kill you to leave a comment now and then?

Recently I scheduled myself to start moving back into my office after having moved out of my office at the beginning of the summer so that it could be "renovated." But first I went over to my friend Cynthia's for an unscheduled stop to help her put her cat Pants into a carrier to take to the vet. And then I had an eye appointment that I had forgotten about right after that - it was also not on my tightly planned schedule. This eye appointment was free (well, insurance), except that naturally when I got there they didn't have any record of me having this insurance, so I had to make some calls to verify it.

While my eyes were dilated I noticed that my phone didn't seem to have anything on the screen except a fuzzy light, but chalked it up to dilated vision. I used the doctor's office phone and made a mental note to check my cell phone later when I could see. Anyway office-moving-back-into would have to wait til noon or so. But no -- not today at all after all, as Cynthia told me during the Pants episode that the office designers arbitrarily decided to not let us do that until Friday, even though my boxes are just sitting in there.

So I decided to go get a free pair of glasses (well, insurance) with my new found free time while the getting was good. That turned out to be a misguided; not only were my eyes dilated and red and watery from my eye exam, but they couldn't figure out how in the world to use my insurance card, so it took about two hours to pay for my free glasses. Checking my phone again it seemed that it was indeed not looking right, so I decided to make a QUICK stop to T-Mobile.

I had to sign in at T-mobile and wait my turn. Meanwhile I had to pee, something I had put off since this morning when I noticed I was running late to leave for Cynthia's. I didn't pee over at Cynthia's since I was running late for my eye appointment. I didn't pee at the eye doctor because I couldn't see. So I was standing at T-mobile having to pee and waiting my turn. Finally a young smart ass dude called on me, and he was definitely copping a 'tude man. When he opened up my phone for a look-see he exclaimed that this was a really old phone. He went on to repeat that several times. He added, "oh, this doesn't look good." Seems the white dot inside the phone turned pink, a sign that moisture got into it. And anything stored on it was lost, due to the moisture problem. He said we had three options, but then explained the same option three times. (Meanwhile, I asked him where their restroom was, and he said they don't allow anyone to use it. I muttered some comment about waiting in line for forty five minutes and he retorted that it was far worse for them (who work there) than it was for us (the customers), whatever on earth that meant.) Ended up that according to options one, two and three, I had to buy a new phone. I guess that balanced out my free glasses and free eye exam.

I haven't gotten one productive thing done today. And time is of the essence, you hear me?? I got a new digital grading system breathin down my neck! not to mention my color theory class site that ain't gonna create itself! Holy mother of all that is holy!


  1. Wow, what a day. I love that having to pee, one of the few basic necessities in life, was put on hold in order to do a number of things that were unpleasant and unnecessary.

    And rip!!! Oh, how I miss thee. He is my one true love.

  2. Hard and soft at the same time. So true. And you know what the T-mobile guy meant when he said your "phone" was really old, don't you? You should have said, "Yeah, that's right. It's because I take such friggin' good care of my personal possessions. Now let me use your bathroom or I'll show you what it looks like when I DON'T take care of my things!"
